2016年6月28日 星期二

英文聽力|Medium - Just a Haircut, Please!

英文聽力|Medium - Just a Haircut, Please!
20% 二男 說很難也還好 只事都聽錯答案,不然就是不知道別的同義字><
1. What is one service NOT included in the special price at the beauty salon? B. a manicure, or nail trim
2. What does the customer do for a living? A. He's an attorney.
3. What is one problem that happens to the customer? A. The beautician gets shampoo in his eyes.
5. Why can't the customer complain directly to the manager? B. The manager is taking time off from work.

Easy - Class Reunion
100% 一男一女 這個還蠻簡單的阿XDD

英文複習:Unit 21 ~ Unit 25

