2016年8月20日 星期六

英文聽力|Difficult - Driving Road Test

英文聽力:Difficult - Driving Road Test
20% 二男 我有點聽不太懂=_=
1. Where has the man been practicing for his road test this past week? C. at home
2. In what part of town do they begin the road test? A. in a commercial area
4. What did Mr. Smith almost hit in the road? B. a person
5. What does the driving officer suggest Mr. Smith do at the end of the conversation?  C. He ought to take the test with another driving officer.

1. driveway
2. knowledge
3. limit
4. signal
5. pull
6. peek
7. tailgating
8. pedestrian
9. favor
10. crowded

Beginning - Train Tickets
80分 1男一女 我都會錯數字 很難聽出來欸QQ
2. How much is the train ride? C. a dollar fifty

英文閱讀:Six-Way Paragraphs Middle Level (35/100) Unit 35 Monkey Do

英文複習: Unit 34 Intro 25~ 27 和線上影片 Intro Unit 12 Mid Unit 34

